
Government examines structural reforms to rescue national economy

Publié le 02.02.2022
Government examines structural reforms to rescue national economy
جلسات عمل

- Structural reforms aimed at rescuing the national economy were at the centre of three virtual ministerial meetings held on Tuesday, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Najla Bouden, within the framework of the follow-up of cooperation programmes with technical and financial partners, the Prime Ministry said in a statement Tuesday.

The first meeting discussed the progress of the preparation of the priority reforms programme with a view to concluding an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with the participation of the ministries concerned and the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT).

The second session focused on the procedures relating to the financial and technical support programmes presented by the European Union, the French Development Agency and the German Development Bank (KFW).

The third session was dedicated to the presentation of the main lines of the project to revive the national economy in the short term and the recommendations put forward by the Ministry of Finance and Planning, in coordination with the various departments and structures concerned.